วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2567


 A sandbox is an isolated environment where code or software can be executed, experimented with, or tested without affecting the host system or other environments. It’s commonly used for security, testing, and development purposes. Here are some key uses of sandboxes:

  1. Software Testing: Developers use sandboxes to run untested or untrusted code without risking damage to the main system.
  2. Cybersecurity: Sandboxing is employed to analyze potentially malicious files or programs, preventing any harmful effects from spreading to the actual system.
  3. Application Development: Sandboxes allow developers to test features, integrations, and changes without disrupting live systems or services.
  4. Browser Isolation: Modern web browsers use sandboxing techniques to prevent malicious websites from affecting the rest of the system.
  5. Virtual Machines (VMs) and Containers: These are examples of sandboxing where operating systems or applications are isolated in a controlled environment.