- Wix.com is PaaS with a very easy and beautiful web app development (CMS) tool but has no DBMS.
- Traditional web hosting is cheaptest with only web admin tool and traditional CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla) but free domain name and MySQL. It is most expensive due to data-out charging.
- AWS is IaaS with the highest availability (about 99.95% compared to traditional one, 99.9%).
- Wix has load balancing in its infrastructure (https://www.nginx.com/case-studies/wix-chooses-nginx-plus-for-future-proof-load-balancing/).
- Some traditional web hosting uses load balancing in its infrastructure (https://nodowntime.domains/web-hosting/failover-load-balanced-cloud-hosting/) with higher subscription cost.
- AWS allows load balancing (ELB) with additional cost.